Often we aren't notified when agencies or companies use our materials. However, it's really amazing how much our concepts from the books have been cited, referenced, or used in training seminars. It's certainly a compliment.
On this page you'll find links to cites, or other references to our defusing hostile customers books.
Government of Singapore: We just noticed that the Government of SIngapore offers a 16 hour course based on our Defusing Hostile Customers Workbook. I'm not completely confident that they aren't violating our copyright here, but it's certainly nice to hear that our workbook is so highly regarded. Link
Florida Office of Early Education: You can view how this Florida State Government Office has used our material, and based a presentation on the topic. The link goes to a PDF file that contains a summary of a 24 page Powerpoint presentation. They've done a great job, and they have credited us as a source. Good stuff!
Strategies for handling customer abuse of ECAs (Journal Article) (Sheryl Brahnam) A journal article that cites our CARP model. Our Defusing Hostile Customers Workbook is cited in the reference section. Oddly enough the article doesn't to proper attribution rules for such articles, but what the heck.
Conference Handout - Steven Katz - Minnesota Family Support and Recovery Council . This is a PDF of a presentation Steven made in Minnesota. Steve actually asked for permission to use our material, and of, course we granted it.
The Customer Service Training Insitute - 16 hour Course - Developing World Class Customer Service - Their 16 hour course on dealing with customers includes our CARP model as part of the content.
Kaizen Consulting Group - Handling Difficult Customers One Day Workshop - As they indicate, Defusing Techniques for Dealing with Difficult Customers
Learn to use various strategies to deal with different difficult customer behaviours. The strategies include the “Collaborative Approach”, “Rules for Defusing” and the “C.A.R.P Approach”. Apply consequential thinking to a response and its impact on customers, organisation, colleagues and development."
Book Mention: Anger in the Air: Combating the Air Rage Phenomenon By Joyce A. Hunter Pleasure to be mentioned on page 193 of this book on Air Rage. She mentions the CARP model.
Handling Difficult Clients Seminar - (CustomerFirst in Singapore) Another use of the CARP model in a training seminar for difficult clients. The link goes to the brochure for the course. For some reason we appear to be popular in Singapore.
Victoria, Australia Ombudsman - MANAGING UNREASONABLE
PRACTICE MANUAL It's a mention of our book, so we thank our friends from downunder.
The Defender Network - The CARP Way of Customer Service - Hey, don't ask me, I don't know what the defender network is, but there we are!
Presentation Slide Show by Aubrey Baarstad - Page 10 - Customer Service I have no idea who Aubrey Baarstad is, but thanks for attributing the CARP model properly (sort of).
DENR Presented by Mary Penny Thompson for DENR Enforcement Training 2005 (Powerpoint Slide Show - North Carolina State Government - Slide show uses our material starting on slide thirteen.
Care For The Customer Seminar - 3 Day Seminar on Customer Service - Modules Four and Five use our concepts from our books.
University of Wyoming - Defusing Angry and Hostile Ranchers by Randy R. Weigel, Ph.D Article, that, unfortunately reproduces a few pages verbatim from one of our books. We'll forgive you Randy, and accept the compliment.