One of the challenges of getting older is that it gets really hard to write a biography or CV, because, by the time one gets close to sixty years old, one's done a whole lot of different things, and changed careers several times. So rather than write my life history, here's some of the details you might find useful and interesting,
Academic Degrees:
B.A. Honours Psychology (Concordia University); M.A. Educational Psychology (University of Toronto, Ontario Institute For Studies In Education); Ph:D (ABD) (University of Toronto).
Interesting Jobs and Past Careers
- Worked with institutionalized mental patients (schizophrenics) at the Douglas Hospital, and also did rehab work with the same population.
- Research and statistical consultant for Toronto Board of Education, and a number of professors to put himself through graduate school.
- Travelling Professor for Brandon University (Faculty of Education), and also taught at various community colleges.
- Books published by McGraw-Hill and Alpha Press have sold over 400,000 copies worldwide.
- Has published over 300 articles on the web, and in print publications on a paid basis.
Training, Consulting
- Robert has trained thousands of government employees, both as an organization and staff development consultant with the Manitoba government, and during the 20 year history of Bacal and Associates (as of 2012). Topics have included defusing hostile customers, conflict management, performance management and appraisal, and train-the-trainer sessions for government staff.
- Consulting interventions have included revamping a performance appraisal system for government, and various other work with team building, organizational development, change management and more.
...more details coming soon.