How To Contact Us
We welcome inquiries, clarifications, or even as we are able, requests for advice, particularly on customer service issues for public sector organization.
Email works best, and our email address is:
Our phone number: (613) 764-0241. For your information we are located in the Eastern Time Zone (same as New York City)
Bacal & Associates
722 St. Isidore Rd.
Casselman, Ontario, Canada
K0A 1M0
Since this is basically a one person company, you WILL be in contact with me, and that's probably a good thing, since you won't be ping-ponging around from person to person.
Media Inquiries:
I welcome media inquiries about the topics related to my services and books. As a writer, I understand the media's tight deadlines so do my best to respond quickly. Telephone or email using the information above.