What It's Really Like Working In Government
If you've never worked in government, but considering a public service career, and applying for a position in the public sector, it's good to know what to expect about how things work, and the both the positive and negative things you will encounter.
There's a lot of myths about government employment, so in this section we'll try to give you a better idea of what to expect, if and when you get hired.
Important Things To Know About Government Work
Different sized governments provide completely different experiences, so be careful not to generalize too much. Federal employment is very different than working in, let's say, a small municipality, in the same way working for IBM is going to be different than working for the small computer store down the street.
No matter what you know from outside government, when you get hired, it's going to take you a good six months to learn how governments REALLY work. There's tons to learn, because government IS different, and it's not just learning rules and regulations. There's a different set of expectations that apply to government work, and to succeed, you need to learn them. Often they are there for very good reasons specific to government, so expect to LISTEN a lot. The learning part is great fun, too, because with an open mind, you'll also learn governments place in our society, and how it carries out its functions.
Working in government is both frustrating at times (glacial speeds) but also brings incredible positives, because you aren't working just for the money, either yours, or your employers. You are working for important things, and when you can have a hand it achieving goals that actually can impact on real people, there's simply nothing more satisfying.
More Resources On What It's Like To Be A Government Employee
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Public v private sector: Is the grass greener? - by David BrindleTwo people switch sectors, public to private, private to public and talk about the differences, and advantages of each. Some insight into how government employment is different. (Views So Far 321 )
What It's Like To Be A Government Worker - Interview - by NPR
This is an NPR program involving interviews that give a more accurate picture of what it's like to work in government. Read the interview, or better yet, you can listen to the audio program. (Views So Far 184 )
Why Consider a Career in Local Government? | icma.org - by ICMA
A short article on some of the reasons you might want to look at smaller, local governments for career opportunities. Remember that the larger the government, the more you'll find red tape, and such, so working in a smaller city is different than, let's say New York. One thing about local government is that one gets closely connected to the community, and yes, in the next years there will be lots of retirements and opportunity. (Views So Far 184 )
What It's Really Like to Work for Government - by Pam Broviak
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Celebrating Public Service - by Alex Himelfarb
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Cornell Alumni Working in Public Sector Call Jobs Inspiring - by ASHLEY CHU
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Pros and cons of working in government - by GoGovernment
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Myths and Tips of What You Can Do In Government | SFU OLC - by Abbas Virji
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