Let's Talk About How Government Contributes To The Welfare Of Its Citizens
It's so easy to forget the successes, contributions and good news about government. It's like government accomplishments get immediately taken for granted and disappear from our consciousness, while all the criticism wins. I'm tired of it.
Even though I haven't worked for government for twenty years, I'm awfully fed up with the paucity of information, news and celebration of what government does. Yes, government has its warts, many of them in the political part of the system, and yes, we need to continue to push for better government.
But let's do it by celebrating the accomplishments of government, and by reminding ourselves how government has and continues to contribute to our welfar.
Time For Good News About Government
In trying to find resources online about the successes of government, I discovered that even on the Internet, about 99% of what I found was about failure, and that's simply not a realistic assessment of government, or its employees.
Still, I'm digging up stuff, so we don't get overwhelmed by the cynical, spun, political propaganda about how bad our governments re.
Public and Civil Service Good News
Celebrating Government
Government loan program sows seeds of business success - by COLLEEN COSGROVEAmbition and a solid business plan are must-haves for any aspiring entrepreneur, but there is one well-funded wallflower behind dozens of successful businesses. Whether through a startup loan or guiding hand during a period of unemployment, the Centre for Entrepreneurship Education and Development (CEED) in Halifax has helped more than 1,000 businesses come to fruition -- some of which are making names for themselves in this city and countrywide. A quick look around downtown Halifax provides good examples of the local impact, Shawn Cunningham, the centre's finance portfolio manager, said Tuesday. (Views So Far 162 )
Success Stories, how to adopt best practices for government - by Model Agency
A collection, actually a large one, of agencies that have contributed their success stories. A number of these are rather arcane. Excerpt: The following success stories were submitted by agencies in response to a Conference Call to Action, where they were asked to identify an area of strength they believe could serve as a model for other government agencies, as well as programs or practices at other agencies that they wish they could replicate in their own agency. These submissions will be considered for the Walter Gellhorn Innovation Award, to be presented annually at the Conference's plenary session. The purpose of sharing these success stories on www.acus.gov/bestpractices is two-fold: 1. To serve as an information-sharing, data collection and communication tool for federal, state and local agencies; and 2. To uncover innovation that exists and attempt to duplicate it at other agencies. - (Views So Far 158 )
Government is Good - The Forgotten Achievements of Government - A Reminder - by Douglas J. Amy
Need a reminder of how government actually accomplishes things? It's so easy to forget, so here's a very long list of successes where government has contributed to the well being of its citizens. Lest we forget. (Views So Far 171 )
Good Government: Time for More Credit and Less Blame | Frank Islam - by Frank Islam
Over the past three years, there has been virtually nothing but blame emanating from the conservative echo chamber regarding all things governmental. There has indeed been a growing deficit and debt problem within this group in this time period. But, it's not of the financial type, however. It has been a recognition deficit of the thousands of things that the government does to make our lives better and it has been a failure to pay the debt of gratitude owed to those hundreds of thousands of government employees who deliver those services which protect and sustain us. If the shutdown should have taught us one thing, it is this. There is such a thing as good government. Realizing this - it is time, past time, for more credit and less blame for that government and those who work in it. (Views So Far 210 )
As Social Security Turns 77, the Most Successful Program in American History - by Sen. Bernie Sanders:
Almost everything in American government is deemed a failure for some ideological reasons, despite the facts. Here's the argument for how successful Social Security has been, in terms of its impact on real people. (Views So Far 194 )
Government success stories - A Reminder - by Mark Shields
As the summer of 2005 turns into autumn, each new public opinion poll reports even further hemorrhaging of voters' confidence in the federal government and the Bush administration. Before we slip into a paralysis of despair, now is a good time to celebrate a few of our collective successes that we have achieved through our federal government. (Views So Far 184 )
The 10 best things government has done for us - by Rex Nutting
the idea that the American government can do nothing right has become so pervasive that I feel compelled to point out what used to be obvious to everyone: Our democratic government -- along with you, me and our ancestors -- created the conditions that have allowed private citizens and companies to build a great nation. This land was made by you and me. Here are the 10 best things the government has done to improve our lives. (Views So Far 210 )
Give public servants the recognition they deserve - by Max Stier
Washington Post article that fights back against all the bad news about government by giving credit to a number of specific individuals who have accomplished great things in government. (Views So Far 152 )
Government's Greatest Achievements of the Past Half Century - by Paul C. Light
Looking back from the edge of a new millennium, it is difficult not to be proud of what the federal government has tried to achieve these past fifty years. Name a significant domestic or foreign problem over the past half century and the federal government made some effort to solve it, sometimes through massive new programs such as Medicare and Apollo, other times through a string of smaller initiatives to address enduring problems such as disease and poverty. If a nation's greatness is measured in part by the kinds of problems it asks its government to solve, the United States measures up very well, indeed. The proof is in the federal statutes. All totaled, Congress passed more than 500 major laws between 1944 and 1999 to improve the quality of life in the nation and world. Judged not as individual programs but as part of larger endeavors, these statutes speak to the enormous range of federal engagement since World War II. Having emerged victorious from both the war and the Great Depression, Congress called upon the federal government to tackle a bold agenda worthy of the world's greatest democracy, and provided the statutory authority to act. (Views So Far 159 )