Government Listening: Using Citizen and Stakeholder Advisory Boards
Focus groups are temporary collections of people who are consulted on specific topics. Citizen and stakeholder advisory boards are more permanent, in that they rely on a set of semi-permanent "members" that government can rely on to provide input, advice, and program guidance to decision makers.
In essence, the more permanent advisory board members are able to be much more familiar with the work of the particular department to which they advise, and establlish trusted relationships with government "listeners".
The effective use of advisory boards allows improved communication between government and various stakeholders and sectors; for example, between private and public sector, or between parents and school boards.
Available Help About: Customer Service - Government and Public Sector : Customer Advisory Boards
Running Customer Advisory Boards - by Steve JohnsonA Customer Advisory Board (CAB) is a representative group of customers that meets periodically to offer advice on the product and company direction. This article contains some tips and strategies for running effective CABs. (Views So Far 810 )
Running Customer Advisory Boards - by Steve Johnson
If you are interested in customer feedback and want to run group sessions in the form of customer advisory boards, check out this article. A cut above with some valuable process tips. (Views So Far 481 )
Lessons Learned: A real Customer Advisory Board - by Eric Ries
Meaty article on customer advisory boards that contains the caution that having them is not for everyone. Nice to see some critical thinking. Recommended. (Views So Far 520 )
Customer Advisory Boards: Do you know the - by na
Some good tips on running customer advisory board meetings. One in particular - not using the advisory board meetings as sales platforms. Focus on the feedback. (Views So Far 386 )
10 Rules for Running a Customer Advisory Council - by April Dunford
The rules seem simple, but there's some excellent hints and tips here that make the article well worth reading if you are involved in setting up, or running customer advisory meetings (CABS). (Views So Far 188 )