Government and Social Media - Perils, Boon, Bust And Above All, Why? Why Not?
The move to using social media as a tool in government has been gaining momentum, to the point where there's less thought going into it than should be.
There are certainly potential benefits from some social meida implementations in government, but we have clearly lost the thread: How does social media help government agenices achieve their objectives (i.e. with respect to the reasons the agency exists.)
If you want a contrarian view on the topic, and you want to evaluate your useage of social media and the costs, hidden and otherwise, contact me for the other side of the story.
There's so much poor research and unsubstantiated claims about social media benefits, most of which does not stand up to scrutiny. When you factor in that government is NOT the private sector, you have the potential for government resources to be wasted.
Wouldn't you rather find out why BEFORE you waste the resources?
Possible Topics To Cover On Social Media and Government
- Is Government Asking The WHY Of Social Media Prior To Using It?
- The Dangers Of Handing Over Partial Control of Government Messages To Facebook and Twitter
- Why Most Government Agencies Do NOT Need A Social Media Presence, AND, Which Ones Should Be There
- The Myth of Having To Go Where The Customers/Citizens Are
- Separating The What Social Media "Could" Bring From What Social Media DOES Bring
- Tweeting, and Status Updating Into The WInd: Why There's "Nobody There" And How That Limits The Benefits (Disposable Aspects of Social Media)
- Alternatives To Using Major Social Media Platforms
Note 1: This is an ideal topic for a debate type forum with one person taking the social media pro side, while I take the con side. Or a roundtable discussion.